45 research outputs found

    Image dehazing by artificial multiple-exposure image fusion.

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    Bad weather conditions can reduce visibility on images acquired outdoors, decreasing their visual quality. The image processing task concerned with the mitigation of this effect is known as image dehazing. In this paper we present a new image dehazing technique that can remove the visual degradation due to haze without relying on the inversion of a physical model of haze formation, but respecting its main underlying assumptions. Hence, the proposed technique avoids the need of estimating depth in the scene, as well as costly depth map refinement processes. To achieve this goal, the original hazy image is first artificially under-exposed by means of a sequence of gamma-correction operations. The resulting set of multiplyexposed images is merged into a haze-free result through a multi-scale Laplacian blending scheme. A detailed experimental evaluation is presented in terms of both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The obtained results indicate that the fusion of artificially under-exposed images can effectively remove the effect of haze, even in challenging situations where other current image dehazing techniques fail to produce good-quality results. An implementation of the technique is open-sourced for reproducibilit

    On the Duality Between Retinex and Image Dehazing

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    Image dehazing deals with the removal of undesired loss of visibility in outdoor images due to the presence of fog. Retinex is a color vision model mimicking the ability of the Human Visual System to robustly discount varying illuminations when observing a scene under different spectral lighting conditions. Retinex has been widely explored in the computer vision literature for image enhancement and other related tasks. While these two problems are apparently unrelated, the goal of this work is to show that they can be connected by a simple linear relationship. Specifically, most Retinex-based algorithms have the characteristic feature of always increasing image brightness, which turns them into ideal candidates for effective image dehazing by directly applying Retinex to a hazy image whose intensities have been inverted. In this paper, we give theoretical proof that Retinex on inverted intensities is a solution to the image dehazing problem. Comprehensive qualitative and quantitative results indicate that several classical and modern implementations of Retinex can be transformed into competing image dehazing algorithms performing on pair with more complex fog removal methods, and can overcome some of the main challenges associated with this problem

    End-to-End Adversarial Retinal Image Synthesis.

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    In medical image analysis applications, the availability of the large amounts of annotated data is becoming increasingly critical. However, annotated medical data is often scarce and costly to obtain. In this paper, we address the problem of synthesizing retinal color images by applying recent techniques based on adversarial learning. In this setting, a generative model is trained to maximize a loss function provided by a second model attempting to classify its output into real or synthetic. In particular, we propose to implement an adversarial autoencoder for the task of retinal vessel network synthesis. We use the generated vessel trees as an intermediate stage for the generation of color retinal images, which is accomplished with a generative adversarial network. Both models require the optimization of almost everywhere differentiable loss functions, which allows us to train them jointly. The resulting model offers an end-to-end retinal image synthesis system capable of generating as many retinal images as the user requires, with their corresponding vessel networks, by sampling from a simple probability distribution that we impose to the associated latent space. We show that the learned latent space contains a well-defined semantic structure, implying that we can perform calculations in the space of retinal images, e.g., smoothly interpolating new data points between two retinal images. Visual and quantitative results demonstrate that the synthesized images are substantially different from those in the training set, while being also anatomically consistent and displaying a reasonable visual quality

    Towards Adversarial Retinal Image Synthesis

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    Synthesizing images of the eye fundus is a challenging task that has been previously approached by formulating complex models of the anatomy of the eye. New images can then be generated by sampling a suitable parameter space. In this work, we propose a method that learns to synthesize eye fundus images directly from data. For that, we pair true eye fundus images with their respective vessel trees, by means of a vessel segmentation technique. These pairs are then used to learn a mapping from a binary vessel tree to a new retinal image. For this purpose, we use a recent image-to-image translation technique, based on the idea of adversarial learning. Experimental results show that the original and the generated images are visually different in terms of their global appearance, in spite of sharing the same vessel tree. Additionally, a quantitative quality analysis of the synthetic retinal images confirms that the produced images retain a high proportion of the true image set quality

    An Online Platform for Underwater Image Quality Evaluation

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    With the miniaturisation of underwater cameras, the volume of available underwater images has been considerably increasing. However, underwater images are degraded by the absorption and scattering of light in water. Image processing methods exist that aim to compensate for these degradations, but there are no standard quality evaluation measures or testing datasets for a systematic empirical comparison. For this reason, we propose PUIQE, an online platform for underwater image quality evaluation, which is inspired by other computer vision areas whose progress has been accelerated by evaluation platforms. PUIQE supports the comparison of methods through standard datasets and objective evaluation measures: quality scores for images uploaded on the platform are automatically computed and published in a leaderboard, which enables the ranking of methods. We hope that PUIQE will stimulate and facilitate the development of underwater image processing algorithms to improve underwater images

    Assessing generalisability of deep learning-based polyp detection and segmentation methods through a computer vision challenge

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    Polyps are well-known cancer precursors identified by colonoscopy. However, variability in their size, appearance, and location makes the detection of polyps challenging. Moreover, colonoscopy surveillance and removal of polyps are highly operator-dependent procedures and occur in a highly complex organ topology. There exists a high missed detection rate and incomplete removal of colonic polyps. To assist in clinical procedures and reduce missed rates, automated methods for detecting and segmenting polyps using machine learning have been achieved in past years. However, the major drawback in most of these methods is their ability to generalise to out-of-sample unseen datasets from different centres, populations, modalities, and acquisition systems. To test this hypothesis rigorously, we, together with expert gastroenterologists, curated a multi-centre and multi-population dataset acquired from six different colonoscopy systems and challenged the computational expert teams to develop robust automated detection and segmentation methods in a crowd-sourcing Endoscopic computer vision challenge. This work put forward rigorous generalisability tests and assesses the usability of devised deep learning methods in dynamic and actual clinical colonoscopy procedures. We analyse the results of four top performing teams for the detection task and five top performing teams for the segmentation task. Our analyses demonstrate that the top-ranking teams concentrated mainly on accuracy over the real-time performance required for clinical applicability. We further dissect the devised methods and provide an experiment-based hypothesis that reveals the need for improved generalisability to tackle diversity present in multi-centre datasets and routine clinical procedures

    Cost-Sensitive Regularization for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading from Eye Fundus Images.

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    Assessing the degree of disease severity in biomedical images is a task similar to standard classification but constrained by an underlying structure in the label space. Such a structure reflects the monotonic relationship between different disease grades. In this paper, we propose a straightforward approach to enforce this constraint for the task of predicting Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) severity from eye fundus images based on the well-known notion of Cost-Sensitive classification. We expand standard classification losses with an extra term that acts as a regularizer, imposing greater penalties on predicted grades when they are farther away from the true grade associated to a particular image. Furthermore, we show how to adapt our method to the modelling of label noise in each of the sub-problems associated to DR grading, an approach we refer to as Atomic Sub-Task modeling. This yields models that can implicitly take into account the inherent noise present in DR grade annotations. Our experimental analysis on several public datasets reveals that, when a standard Convolutional Neural Network is trained using this simple strategy, improvements of 3- 5% of quadratic-weighted kappa scores can be achieved at a negligible computational cost. Code to reproduce our results is released at github.com/agaldran/cost_sensitive_loss_classification

    Why is the Winner the Best?

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    International benchmarking competitions have become fundamental for the comparative performance assessment of image analysis methods. However, little attention has been given to investigating what can be learnt from these competitions. Do they really generate scientific progress? What are common and successful participation strategies? What makes a solution superior to a competing method? To address this gap in the literature, we performed a multicenter study with all 80 competitions that were conducted in the scope of IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021. Statistical analyses performed based on comprehensive descriptions of the submitted algorithms linked to their rank as well as the underlying participation strategies revealed common characteristics of winning solutions. These typically include the use of multi-task learning (63%) and/or multi-stage pipelines (61%), and a focus on augmentation (100%), image preprocessing (97%), data curation (79%), and post-processing (66%). The “typical” lead of a winning team is a computer scientist with a doctoral degree, five years of experience in biomedical image analysis, and four years of experience in deep learning. Two core general development strategies stood out for highly-ranked teams: the reflection of the metrics in the method design and the focus on analyzing and handling failure cases. According to the organizers, 43% of the winning algorithms exceeded the state of the art but only 11% completely solved the respective domain problem. The insights of our study could help researchers (1) improve algorithm development strategies when approaching new problems, and (2) focus on open research questions revealed by this work